Trading information

Seller's Name
Kunisawa Brewing Co., Ltd.

Sales manager

Seller's Address
Postcode: 105-0004
K Building, 5-31-7 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan.

Seller's Contact Information
TEL: 03-3431-8380

Sales Price and Additional Fees
The indicated prices include consumption taxes.
In addition to product prices, shipping fees may be applied.

Payment Methods and Timeframe
Payment can be made via credit card.
Payment is confirmed upon order confirmation.

Delivery Timeframe
Typically, we will ship within 5 days of receiving the order confirmation.

Returns and Defective Products:
Returns and exchanges are only accepted for damaged items upon delivery.
Please contact us via email within 7 days of receiving the product.
If the product is out of stock, a full amount will be refunded.

Shipping Fees for Return and Exchang
We will cover the shipping fees for returns and exchanges. Please send the items with postage paid upon arrival.
*In the case of returns due to customer reasons such as cancellation after product shipment, absence for more than 3 days, or refusal of delivery, we will invoice you for the round-trip shipping fees and handling charges.

Qualifications and Licenses
Alcohol sales license

Alcoholic Beverage Sales Manager Certificate
Store Name: KUNISAWA Brewing
Store Location: K Building, 5-31-7 Shimbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Name of Sales Manager: Ryosuke KUNISAWA
Date of Alcohol Sales Manager Training: 7 September 2021
Due date of the next training course: 6 September 2024
Training Institute: Tokyo Liquor Retailers Association